
Standardized Testing

To test or not to test is the question that a lot of homeschooling families ask themselves. First, everyone needs to understand the laws in their state, you may not have a choice. If it is not mandatory to have your homeschooler take standardized tests then the choice remains yours.

I test my homeschooled children with standardized tests for a few reasons. The first reason is to understand where my children are exceling and where they need more structured learning. I have realized that my children score lower in the areas where I tend to think they are right on track. On the other hand, areas where I think they are struggling they typically score one or two years ahead of their current grade level. This has helped me, as the teacher, cater lesson plans to their individualized needs.

Secondly, there will come a time in almost every homeschoolers life that they have to take a standardized test; college entrance exams and SATs are just two of them. I want my children to be prepared in taking standardized tests and be used to the techniques used to test. It gives them a chance to understand the process early in life if I use standardized tests.

If you use the standardized tests as a tool to teaching your children they can greatly enhance your childs ability to "test" in the future. On the other hand, I have seen many homeschoolers who never take a standardized test and go on to do very well on college entrance exams and SATs. It all comes down to what "you" want to do with your children and unless it is mandated by the state no one is going to shun you if you decide to not test. Be comfortable with the decision you are making for your children and everyone else will follow suit.

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