
ACSI Spelling 5:  We love our spelling this year.  The words are harder and the girls like being pushed in their spelling.  Oddly enough the spelling words seem to correlate to our Science units we are studying at the same time and yet they are different curriculums.  It has been intriguing to watch them use their new vocabulary while discussing their science units and it is making it easier for them to spell the words because they are seeing them in plenty of context.  Each day they are given workbook page to do in spelling and on the fifth day is a spelling test.

BJU English 5:  Our English continues to grow off from what we learned the year before.  Alternating writing with grammar in their worktexts provides them with the perfect break from each.  They continue to learn the parts of speech and correct usage but also continue to strengthen their vocabulary and writing abilities.  The text is colorful enough yet isn't overwhelming, we do the guided practice together in class then independent practice is to be completed on their own.

BJU Heritage Studies 5:  This year our history will bring us from geography and the principles of mapmaking to the different regions of the United States and focuses on 20th century United States history. Basic principles of economics and currency are also introduced in addition to studies of different types of government systems.  The worktext provides just enough review for you to make sure they understood the concepts that were read about in the text book.

BJU Science 5:  We will study rocks, weather, fossils, sound and light, ecosystems, matter and heat, biomes and more.  Each chapter contains oppurtunities for hands on experiments.  We have grown to love Science the best out of all our curriculums because for us to see what we are learning in motion in front of our own eyes has been the icing on the cake.  The worktext again gives just the right amount of review without being cumbersome.

BJU Math 5:  Switching from Horizons last year to BJU this year has made math an easy subject for the girls.  With a mastery approach in BJU they are learning to execute each skill they learn before moving on to a new concept.  They are enjoying the slower pace that BJU uses compared to Horizons.

BJU Reading 5: Compelling stories, cheerful illustrations and age-appropriate text encourage our reading, and the Biblical themes reinforce Christian character. Phonics and discussion questions emphasize comprehension; Reading 5 will strengthen their critical thinking skills with classic literature excerpts.
Horizons Handwriting 5:  Working to help perfect their penmanship, the workbook will review of posture, spacing, strokes, and letter joinings; copywork features a variety of historical texts in both cursive and manuscript.  The girls are excited to get the oppurtunity to work on their manuscript along with their cursive.