
Lesson 101 - How to Cut Down a Tree

Believe it or not there is a proper way to cut down a tree. We didn't have the best scenario going on... the pine tree was large, about 80 feet tall, but all its upper branches were dead due to the previous land owners putting a chain for their dogs around it. So the tree had to come down but was up on the mountain just about 80 feet from the house. There this big pine tree stood looking down at our house just waiting for a good windstorm to blow in and send it tumbling into the house.

Well we couldn't have that so we researched the proper way to cut down a tree. Yes we read all the instructions and understand everything to a tee. We had one question though, what was going to prevent this tree from deciding that our house was so nice that it would like to see the inside rather than falling how we wanted it to? After going out and sizing up the tree and discussing where we would notch it and figuring it all out I left my husband with some words of advice, "drop the saw and run!!"

Twenty minutes later the tree dropped to the mountain side exactly where we wanted it to... we couldn't do that again even if we tried. No mathematical equations involved, no measuring, just plain luck. We did learn a valuable lesson though... next time our motto is, "TURN OFF the saw, drop the saw then run!"

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