
One Yay... One Nay

I have one yay and one nay so far this year for our BJU reading curriculum. Elesha likes it because she has a workbook to go along with her reading. She is an avid reader and enjoys reading no matter what you give her. She also feels it's easier this year.

My nay comes from Miss Katriana who is not your "sit down and read" child at all. To her reading is taking time that could be used better doing something else. You could give her 50 reading curriculums and she would dislike each and every one of them because she just would rather not be reading.
I like the curriculum this year. Each story is told from a christian view point with emphasis on living your life as a wholesome person. The workbook works not only comprehension skills but also other skills such as cause and effect. I think this curriculum will give the girls a foundation of skills they need for successful reading in the future.

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