
Life Skills

An advantage to homeschooling is teaching my kids "life skills" each day. Life skills include money management, food preparation, hygiene, basic literacy and numeracy, and organizational skills. Many of those who don't homeschool also teach life skills but generally they don't have as much time to spend on them.

Our favorite life skill to work on is food preparation. The girls help on almost a daily basis preparing dinner. They are in charge of measuring the ingredients and following step by step the instructions they have to prepare the food. Today they made a delicious apple crisp and the scalloped potatoes are cooking for dinner tonight, yes both from scratch.

The apple crisp was delicious and I can honestly say that if I wasn't homeschooling we would probably not have the opportunity to make apple crisp together like we did today. Once after school hours come along we are busy with sports and other activities and wouldn't have the time.

1 comment:

  1. I have found that homeschoolers do acquire life skills much more naturally than other kids.
    Even my ds can cook a little!
    And when Dad is home, they all traipse after him and learn other kinds of things.
    SO glad they can have these experiences. =D
