
Music Class

One of the questions I hear the most is people asking me how I teach music class. Well I do it in a variety of ways, from listening to music and reading about music history to playing instruments.

The girls listened and learned about different artists from the Baroque period last week. It included Bach, Vivaldi, and Telemann. This week was the Classical period and they enjoyed music by Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven. Next week will be the Romantic period and they will get a taste of Chopin, Mendelsshon, and Schubert.

They each interpret the music in very different ways and it is great to let them get up and dance to the music they are listening to. At the conclusion of music class they have to write a paragraph describing differences they hear from period to period.

Right now they are loving music and we will continue with music history for four more weeks then we will move into learning how to play the keyboard

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